Registration of foreign companies and representative offices, branches accreditation

PlusMinus Consulting provides a full range of services for subsidiaries companies as well as representative offices and branches of foreign companies, their further accounting service and legal support.

Registration of representative office of foreign company.
Representative office of foreign company may be accredited for a period from 1 to 3 years.Representative office does not become a resident in the Russian Federation also has no right to engage in commercial activities. The main activity of Representative office is advertising products of foreign companies by means of attracting Russian advertising agencies.

Registration of a branch of foreign company.
Branch of foreign company may be accredited for a period up to 5 years.  Branch of foreign company, as well as Representative office does not become a resident in the Russian Federation.However, unlike Representative office, the branch of foreign company has the right to engage in economic activities.

Register subsidiaries (companies with foreign investments).
Subsidiary (company with foreign investment) is created for an indefinite period and becomes a resident of the Russian Federation, functionates by the laws of the Russian Federation and is not much different from a simple Russian company.Investments can be full (100%) or partial. Part of the authorized capital may be owned by a foreign party, and some by the Russian one. For example, such a firm can be registered as limited liability company (LLC).

Registration the alterations in the documents of branches of foreign companies.

  • Changing the name of a branch of the parent company.
  • Changing of the branch manager.
  • Change of legal address of the branch.


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