Affiliate program

PlusMinus Consulting is interested in offering of the best services to its clients.

Nowadays, for convenience of the clients we implement series of partner programs with other businesses.

For instance, upon registration of a new business, the client may open settlement account for his/her business without visiting a bank during one day at our office. Besides, the client gets from our partner bank personal consultant on financial issues.

We, being partners, actively promote banking services to our clients. Partner bank also provides to its clients information on services of our company at website and through other communication channels.

PlusMinus Consulting offers to all interested corporate and individual clients participation in partnership programs in three directions:

  • • Promotion of information on services of PlusMinus Consulting for a consideration based on work results. We pay for new client!
  • • Exchange of advertizing information between partners and mutual promotion of services at the market. (For instance, we promote services of a law firm, and the law firm promotes accounting services of PlusMinus Consulting). Key feature of such partnership program is availability of positive performance history of a partner. In other words, we would not recommend business if it has any problems with quality of services.
  • • Promotion of joint product at the market. For instance, upon registration of new business we offer accounting support with sufficient discount, and one may order designing of a website from our partners - advertizing agency.

Looking forward to mutually beneficial cooperation. Call us!

More details by phone numbers:

In Moscow  +7-499-504-32-30 In Saint Petersburg +7-812-313-20-92

Факты o PlusMinus Consulting

В 2009 году компания PlusMinus Consulting открыла офис в Санкт-Петербурге на Васильевском острове в БЦ «Сенатор». Наряду с бухгалтерским сопровождением заказчикам предложены услуги по регистрации предприятий, ведению кадрового учета, введена услуга "аутсорсинг расчёта заработной платы/аутсорсинг кадрового делопроизводства" для предприятий среднего бизнеса.

PlusMinus Consulting становится членом клуба «Сенатор». Участникам клубной программы доступна 10% скидка на услуги нашей компании!

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